Trichotillomania Since 13 Years getting Cured

Trichotillomania Since 13 Years getting Cured
Trichotillomania Since 13 Years getting Cured
Trichotillomania Since 13 Years getting Cured
Trichotillomania Since 13 Years getting Cured
Trichotillomania Since 13 Years getting Cured
Trichotillomania Since 13 Years getting Cured
Trichotillomania Since 13 Years getting Cured

Trichotillomania (pronounced: trik-oh-till-oh-MAY-nee-uh) is a condition that gives some people strong urges to pull out their own hair. It can affect people of any age.
People with trichotillomania pull hair out at the root from places like the scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes, or pubic area.
Some people with the condition pull large handfuls of hair, which can leave bald patches on the scalp or eyebrows. Other people pull out their hair one strand at a time. They might inspect or play with the strand after pulling it out. About half of people with trichotillomania put the hair in their mouths after pulling it.
Some people are very aware of their pulling. Others seem to do it in a very absent-minded way, without really noticing what they’re doing.
For people with trichotillomania, resisting the urge to pull out their hair feels as hard as resisting the urge to scratch a very itchy itch.
Here is the story of a patient from Burhanpur Madhyapradesh. She is experiencing this OCD of plucking her own hair since she was at the age of 10 years, now she is 23. Her parently tried all possible measures, including homeopathy.
I have started her treatment after a detailed case taking and repertorisation, I have started her treatment with the Medicine transmission of Ignatia 0/1 on 19 Dec 2019.
Till 24 Jan 2020 condition was not improving and growing worse, I have now transmitted Sepia with her hair, but still, that didn’t work for about two months. The condition was getting worse day by day, and parents were losing hope in our method MEDICINE TRANSMISSION THROUGH HAIR.
This was alarming, and on 2 Apr, I have restudied the case fine and selected some different rubrics after deep case taking. Now Staph came as a remedy, and medicine transmission changed from our center. This medicine started working, and she left her habit.
Previous to the treatment were parents, especially mothers, was punishing her for this habit, and she was becoming all of a cold war was happening at home.
The best part of the effect of treatment is now she is close to her mother, watch-out

(271 Posts)

Dr. Ravi practices in Lucknow, India. He has studied homeopathy intensively for eight years.(5 and half year undergraduate and Post Graduation in Pediatric with Homeopathic Specialty). Dr. Ravi is an nationally acclaimed homeopath Dr. and teacher. Over the years he has conducted & attended seminars and workshops for the practitioners and the students in India. About Dr.Ravi – He is also visiting lecturer to various Post Graduate Institutes of Homeopathy in India including, Foster Developments Homeopathic Medical college Aurangabad, Sri Sai Nath Post Graduate Institute of Homeopathy, Allahabad and G.D. Memorial Homeopathic Medical college and Hospital Patna. Dr.Ravi is also Examiner to Homeopathic Medical Colleges in eminent Universities. He is also a regular contributor to Various National and International Journals. He has also presented various papers to Different Homoeopathic conferences and Seminars Dr Ravi presents a modern and scientific face of homeopathy. His huge practice supported by clinical research based data, statistics and scientific documentation, makes it unique in the homeopathic worked. He not only presents the ‘new face’ of modern homeopathy; but also responsible for ‘new phase’ in homeopathy. Dr.Ravi has no professional secret, he practices classical homeopathy using SINGLE REMEDY PRESCRIPTION as per homoeopathic philosophy. Dr.Ravi’s website is perhaps the ONLY WEBSITE IN THE WORLD where he shares with Homeopathic fraternity the details of case , method of analysis of case, repertorisation chart and reason for prescribing a particular drug. He has a vision that SHARING a particular case may guide young homeopaths to work in similar manner for benefit of mankind and homeopathy.