Amazing recovery in case of Hirschsprung’s Disease Now Passing stool Daily

A patient from Auraiya Distt of U.P. booked an online consultation with Dr Ravi on 27th Jan 2027. He talked with Dr Ravi over the Zoom call. He explained about the journey of disease since childhood, how he got operated on for 3-stage surgery and got installed colostomy bag.
He tried all sorts of things including enema, laxatives like triphala etc, but none worked for him.
Out of frustration, he was taking Barium, but that too didn’t work. He was passing a stool once a month !!!!!! that too with much difficulty, manual removal and enema also not working. Dr Ravi assured him of the best homoeopathic treatment and advised him to get online treatment, but he said he wished to visit the clinic personally.

The patient consulted over the zoom on 27th Jan 2224 and Dr Ravi advised him to take the online consultation. However according to the gravity of the problem, the patient thought to see Dr Ravi in person, so he visited the clinic of Lucknow on 30th January from Auraiya District of U.P.
He explained the journey of disease and existing trouble. One can see the hopelessness on his face. He was in a state of despair and here came as a last resort.
After 25 Days
Dr Ravi talked with the patient over the Zoom call on 21 Feb 2024. He got amazing results with homeopathy. In the initial consultation, he said he was passing stool only once in a month. Just after 3-4 days of the start of treatment, he is passing stool daily. Although the stool consistency is hard passing stool daily is a sign of wonderful recovery. He was amazed at the results of classical homoeopathy and medicine transmission through hair. Treatment continued.

After 2 Months and 1 Days
Dr Ravi talked with patient over the zoom call on 28th March 2024. He updated he was passing stool daily since last month.He further updated that stool consistency is also normal. He said at the last followup call there was constipation, but as soon as we increased the power in transmission set he got better. He is now facing constipation since 2 days, hence we are increasing the power in the transmission set today.

(271 Posts)

Dr. Ravi practices in Lucknow, India. He has studied homeopathy intensively for eight years.(5 and half year undergraduate and Post Graduation in Pediatric with Homeopathic Specialty). Dr. Ravi is an nationally acclaimed homeopath Dr. and teacher. Over the years he has conducted & attended seminars and workshops for the practitioners and the students in India. About Dr.Ravi – He is also visiting lecturer to various Post Graduate Institutes of Homeopathy in India including, Foster Developments Homeopathic Medical college Aurangabad, Sri Sai Nath Post Graduate Institute of Homeopathy, Allahabad and G.D. Memorial Homeopathic Medical college and Hospital Patna. Dr.Ravi is also Examiner to Homeopathic Medical Colleges in eminent Universities. He is also a regular contributor to Various National and International Journals. He has also presented various papers to Different Homoeopathic conferences and Seminars Dr Ravi presents a modern and scientific face of homeopathy. His huge practice supported by clinical research based data, statistics and scientific documentation, makes it unique in the homeopathic worked. He not only presents the ‘new face’ of modern homeopathy; but also responsible for ‘new phase’ in homeopathy. Dr.Ravi has no professional secret, he practices classical homeopathy using SINGLE REMEDY PRESCRIPTION as per homoeopathic philosophy. Dr.Ravi’s website is perhaps the ONLY WEBSITE IN THE WORLD where he shares with Homeopathic fraternity the details of case , method of analysis of case, repertorisation chart and reason for prescribing a particular drug. He has a vision that SHARING a particular case may guide young homeopaths to work in similar manner for benefit of mankind and homeopathy.