Here is another case of Verruca Plana or flat warts from Delhi.
In the initial zoom consultation, this young man said that his confidence level goes down because a person must be presentable, and he has been facing these ugly warts at the forehead, face and neck area for more than four years.
He visited the best Dermatologist in New Delhi, but as is the usual scenario, they cauterized those bumps. Cauterization left the ugly scars, and he stopped seeing the dermatologist.
He also took homoeopathic treatment from a local homoeopathic physician, but that also didn’t give him relief.
We have told him the treatment process by medicine transmission through the hair in the zoom call. He was amazed at the first instance that he need not take anything orally for the trouble of 4 years, so this was a fascinating thing for him.
He sent his hair by courier, and after a detailed case taking, we have started his treatment.
Treatment continued and we received the pictures from time to time