CSF Rhinorrhea its cause Manifestation and Cured by Homeopathu

This video is about homoeopathic management of cerebrospinal fluid Rhinorrhea or CSF RHINORRHEA.
CSF Rhinorrhea is a grave medical condition where fluid from brain ( called as CSF or Cerebrospinal Fluid in which the brain and spinal cord bath) get a vent or leakage due to bony defect at base of skull ( cribriform plate).
Please note that CSF Rhinorrhea is just a symptom, not a disease itself.
This defect can be caused due to Penetrating and closed-head trauma, Iatrogenic – iatrogenic CSF leaks present within the first week after the insult, growth of some tumor in intracranial cavity leading to pressure effect, congenital or in most cases spontaneous and in such cases raised intracranial pressure is cause. So a thorough examination and investigation is necessary to rule out the actual pathology.
This defect can be aggravated due to violent efforts of sneezing and coughing as I have seen in many cases.
Severe loss of CSF can be life threatening.
Most patients initially think about this as simple coryza, differentiating point is unilateral discharge and sweetish taste of CSF.
Treatment part consists of Surgical intervention if base of brain can be approached (but difficult and dangerous)
In homeopathy we have treated many cases successfully with individual constitutional remedy.
This particular case an old gentleman ( Retired Principle from a reputed college of Varanasi ) has approached us after recurrence of his 15 year old problem.
This case was once tried with surgical procedure but unfortunately site of defect could not be reached. His daughter is explaining about the condition( can not doubt as She is Dean of Dental Faculty of Reputed University)
After the drug transmission of Aurum met 0/1 according to case no more leaking observed.
Today after more than one year i have called him over phone to know any recurrence, initially he didn’t recognised me , but once he has blessed me and thanked to homeopathy.
Someone may doubt over pathological improvement ( I am sorry that I have no documentation about case) but today I have advised him for CT SCAN hope I will get and produce before you.
Thanks a lot for watching this video.
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Dr.Ravi Singh

(271 Posts)

Dr. Ravi practices in Lucknow, India. He has studied homeopathy intensively for eight years.(5 and half year undergraduate and Post Graduation in Pediatric with Homeopathic Specialty). Dr. Ravi is an nationally acclaimed homeopath Dr. and teacher. Over the years he has conducted & attended seminars and workshops for the practitioners and the students in India. About Dr.Ravi – He is also visiting lecturer to various Post Graduate Institutes of Homeopathy in India including, Foster Developments Homeopathic Medical college Aurangabad, Sri Sai Nath Post Graduate Institute of Homeopathy, Allahabad and G.D. Memorial Homeopathic Medical college and Hospital Patna. Dr.Ravi is also Examiner to Homeopathic Medical Colleges in eminent Universities. He is also a regular contributor to Various National and International Journals. He has also presented various papers to Different Homoeopathic conferences and Seminars Dr Ravi presents a modern and scientific face of homeopathy. His huge practice supported by clinical research based data, statistics and scientific documentation, makes it unique in the homeopathic worked. He not only presents the ‘new face’ of modern homeopathy; but also responsible for ‘new phase’ in homeopathy. Dr.Ravi has no professional secret, he practices classical homeopathy using SINGLE REMEDY PRESCRIPTION as per homoeopathic philosophy. Dr.Ravi’s website is perhaps the ONLY WEBSITE IN THE WORLD where he shares with Homeopathic fraternity the details of case , method of analysis of case, repertorisation chart and reason for prescribing a particular drug. He has a vision that SHARING a particular case may guide young homeopaths to work in similar manner for benefit of mankind and homeopathy.