Psoriasis since childhood with Hyperlinear palm, is under treatment and on the way of recovery with Drug transmission of Sulphur 0/1. Treatment continued film The Mummy streaming read more
A case of Vitiligo on Face getting cured with the Drug Transmission of Natrum Mur 0/1 . Treatment Continued live streaming movie Stasis online read more
A case of Tinea/ringworm under treatment, getting cure in fastest way , he was suffering since more than a year, and see date wise improvement.Watch Full Movie Online Streaming Online and Download read more
A Patient with Phrenoderma came to my Balrampur Clinic in November 2015… She was very sad and hopeless about her disease as she had taken many treatment for this and didn’t get any result. Her ... read more
A case of Vitiligo on lip cured by the drug transmission of Natrum Mur.Please note date wise reduction of spot.In my experience of treating vitiligo cases if there is pigmentation occurring in spot without ... read more