Flat Warts for 3-4 Years Vanished in 3 Months

Flat Warts for 3-4 Years Vanished in 3 Months
Flat Warts for 3-4 Years Vanished in 3 Months
Flat Warts for 3-4 Years Vanished in 3 Months
Flat Warts for 3-4 Years Vanished in 3 Months
Flat Warts for 3-4 Years Vanished in 3 Months
Flat Warts for 3-4 Years Vanished in 3 Months
Flat Warts for 3-4 Years Vanished in 3 Months
Flat Warts for 3-4 Years Vanished in 3 Months
Flat Warts for 3-4 Years Vanished in 3 Months
Flat Warts for 3-4 Years Vanished in 3 Months
Flat Warts for 3-4 Years Vanished in 3 Months
Flat Warts for 3-4 Years Vanished in 3 Months
Flat Warts for 3-4 Years Vanished in 3 Months
Flat Warts for 3-4 Years Vanished in 3 Months
Flat Warts for 3-4 Years Vanished in 3 Months
Flat Warts for 3-4 Years Vanished in 3 Months
Flat Warts for 3-4 Years Vanished in 3 Months
Flat Warts for 3-4 Years Vanished in 3 Months
Flat Warts for 3-4 Years Vanished in 3 Months
Flat Warts for 3-4 Years Vanished in 3 Months

Everyone must have encountered a short note of Organon in our college days – “Homeopathy as no surrogate.” Every student is often puzzled about how true this statement is in practice or just a theoretical thing.
Being a lover of homoeopathy and a single remedy prescriber, I have witnessed this fact many times in my practice.
I have learned this fact even from my failures.
Here is the story of a young man from Moradabad who faced ugly warts all over the face for more than two years.
Plane warts or verruca plana are round, flat, and smooth elevations at the skin. They can be yellowish, brownish, or skin-coloured. They are supposed to be caused by Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) viruses cause the excessive and rapid growth of keratin, a complex protein on the top layer of the skin.
Warts are easily transmitted by direct or indirect contact, especially if there is a disruption of the normal epithelial barrier. Besides the skin, warts can also occur on mucous membranes. The virus can spread to other parts of the body through scratching or biting a wart, sucking fingers biting fingernails if there are warts around the nails shaving the face or legs. The risk of catching warts from another person is low, but they can infect a person with a compromised immune system. But the Genital warts are more contagious. HSV and HPV viral infection can occur in the same person due to sexual activity ( similar transmission modes). Different HPV strains cause different types of warts. There are more than 100 types of HPV viruses, but fortunately, only a few are causing warts.
A dermatologist often recommends various treatments. It includes salicylic acid application, cryotherapy, surgery, laser treatment, electrocautery, photodynamic therapy, chemical treatments, topical creams, cantharidin, and antigen shots.

These measures seldom have any role in checking the process, and recurrence is the most common outcome. Homoeopathy offers the best treatment for such diseases with dynamic, single and harmless medicine. The best part of homoeopathic treatment is that recurrence is never seen even after years once cured.

These warts started spreading from the front to the whole neck and scalp. When he shaved his head, he was surprised that his entire scalp got covered with these flat warts.
Homoeopathy is reputed to cure warts, so he approached a homoeopathic centre at Dhampur Uttarakhand.
I must not say, but only EATING THE HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICINES CAN NOT BE TERMED AS HOMEOPATHY, just as if you start taking some herbal medicine, you can not say I am taking Ayurveda. Homoeopathy is said to be homoeopathic when it’s prescribed according to homoeopathic principles. A medicine, when prescribed according to well-selected symptoms, is termed remedy.
He already underwent much treatment but was not getting results.
One of his friends suggests visiting Lucknow.
On 2nd October 2021 we had a consultation via zoom call, I advised him to get online treatment, but he got frustrated with this condition. Hence, he visited our Lucknow centre from Moradabad on 4th October.
At the initial consultation, I educated him about my exclusive mode of treatment by “SAHNI EFFECT”.
It is a new homoeopathic treatment model, where one of the patient’s hair gets placed and kept in a medicated vial. The patient will start getting the medication’s effect in their body irrespective of the distance. Dynamic energy medicine is reaching the patient’s body without taking it orally.
With experimentation on various types of patients, it is now proved beyond doubt that Homoeopathic medicines are not commodities to be fed by mouth. They can be transmitted from any distance using the natural belonging of the person. Hair being very convenient, it became the ideal medium for transmission and is being used by all. Now there are thousands of followers of Dr Sahni who are using this unique mode of communication.
His treatment started on 4th October 2021; he got a cure( only spots )remaining.

Dr Ravi talked with the patient over a zoom call on 6th January 2022. He got excellent recovery in his warts condition, and all his warts shed off. Only the spots are remaining.
He is delighted with the treatment outcome. He explained how he got fed up with taking too many medicines for years together without any effect. He admired the method of medicine transmission through hair and wished to consult for his wife’s health issues. He will visit the clinic in Feb 2022
Treatment continued….

(271 Posts)

Dr. Ravi practices in Lucknow, India. He has studied homeopathy intensively for eight years.(5 and half year undergraduate and Post Graduation in Pediatric with Homeopathic Specialty). Dr. Ravi is an nationally acclaimed homeopath Dr. and teacher. Over the years he has conducted & attended seminars and workshops for the practitioners and the students in India. About Dr.Ravi – He is also visiting lecturer to various Post Graduate Institutes of Homeopathy in India including, Foster Developments Homeopathic Medical college Aurangabad, Sri Sai Nath Post Graduate Institute of Homeopathy, Allahabad and G.D. Memorial Homeopathic Medical college and Hospital Patna. Dr.Ravi is also Examiner to Homeopathic Medical Colleges in eminent Universities. He is also a regular contributor to Various National and International Journals. He has also presented various papers to Different Homoeopathic conferences and Seminars Dr Ravi presents a modern and scientific face of homeopathy. His huge practice supported by clinical research based data, statistics and scientific documentation, makes it unique in the homeopathic worked. He not only presents the ‘new face’ of modern homeopathy; but also responsible for ‘new phase’ in homeopathy. Dr.Ravi has no professional secret, he practices classical homeopathy using SINGLE REMEDY PRESCRIPTION as per homoeopathic philosophy. Dr.Ravi’s website is perhaps the ONLY WEBSITE IN THE WORLD where he shares with Homeopathic fraternity the details of case , method of analysis of case, repertorisation chart and reason for prescribing a particular drug. He has a vision that SHARING a particular case may guide young homeopaths to work in similar manner for benefit of mankind and homeopathy.